The concept for successfully marketing holiday real estate

The international real estate franchise system Porta Mondial AG successfully established the first real estate brand in the Canary Islands – “Porta Tenerife”. Now local partners are being sought for “Porta Canaria”.

A good two years ago, Heidelberg native Eckhard Bernstorff fulfilled not one but two dreams: He moved to Tenerife and started up his own business there.

“I knew that I wanted to move into the real estate sector,” the qualified physicist recalls, “I also knew that I didn’t want to do it alone, but with a partner by my side.”

Real estate in Puerto Andratx
With well-known brands such as Porta Mallorquina (picture shows the Port d’Andtratx estate agency in Majorca), Porta Ibiza, Porta Tenerife, etc., Porta Mondial is one of the leading providers of Spanish holiday real estate.

For him, a franchise was the solution as he saw this as a way of gaining access to a tried-and-tested business concept, while still remaining an independent entrepreneur. When he began looking for a suitable franchise system, he found one of the leading providers of international holiday real estate, Porta Mondial AG, and its “Prelaunch” offer.

First active online – then locally on the ground

In the case of a Prelaunch, Porta Mondial establishes a new real estate brand on the Internet in selected markets, without a local franchise partner. Working with local estate agents, the company presents selected properties online, and centrally-controlled search engine optimisation (SEO) is set in motion. This creates a win-win situation for everybody involved: the cooperation partners benefit from additional enquiries, and the future franchise partner gets started straight away with an attractive portfolio of properties.

In 2010, Porta Tenerife was one of the first Prelaunches with its website Porta Mondial is currently managing a portfolio of around 15 Prelaunch brands worldwide.

Successful in Tenerife

This meant that Eckhard Bernstorff was able to get Porta Tenerife off the ground straight away at the end of 2010. In mid-2011 he opened the first estate agency in Tenerife in Puerto de la Cruz. Despite the general economic gloom, he managed to establish himself quickly in the market thanks to good Internet rankings, and to step up his collaboration with local partners. In the meantime, the number of enquiries is outstripping the capacity of his local team, and Eckhard Bernstorff is urgently looking for further Real Estate Consultants all over the island, to provide sales support.

Best start-up conditions in Gran Canaria

The success of Porta Tenerife encouraged Porta Mondial to expand its services in the Canaries. The next Prelaunch in the region – “Porta Canaria” – began at the end of 2011. The search engine rankings for are constantly improving and client enquiries have already been generated. Eckhard Bernstorff believes that now is a good time to enter the market:

“Demand is picking up noticeably. Some property owners are already thinking of putting their prices up again. Those who are planning to buy a property in the Canaries should do it soon, while prices are still generally affordable.”

So the prospects are good for the future Porta Mondial franchise partner in Gran Canaria.


Porta Mondial AG
Majorca Office
C./ Colom 20 1º
E-07001 Palma de Mallorca